8 Quotes & Sayings By Sara Stark

Sara Stark is an author of contemporary, romance novels. Her novels are known for their clever banter and sexy, swoon-worthy moments. Sara's novels have been translated in over twenty languages around the world. Sara lives in New Jersey with her amazing husband, two awesome children, and two adorable but badly behaved dogs Read more

She has a long-standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

Seek within, for the answer cannot be found without. Sara Stark
Time seemed to drag with dreamlike slowness, like a knife through cold honey, and the room took on a surreal golden sheen as if I was looking through that same jar of honey. Maybe at that moment, the sun shone just right though the grimy windows, but the woman, the shelves, the jars, everything in the room appeared in tones of gold and sepia, except for the painting behind the counter. From behind the shopkeeper's head, a fluorescent Mary and Jesus glared at me, their cartoon-like faces reproaching me for being there. Sara Stark
Despite their macabre imaginations, they don't believe the things they say, all those things about magic and fantômes. But I do. I know he lingers. I've heard his voice, soft as a lover's whisper. Sara Stark
Too much truth destroys. Sara Stark
Even though this princess loved the oak and the castle and her mother, the queen, she tired of the beautiful swamp, of her surroundings. You see, as she grew she came to realize that if she looked too closely, she could recognize evil things in the swamp as well as all the extraordinary things she loved. There were hurtful, malicious things, things that grew quickly, quick enough to ensnare her and smother her if she wasn't careful, maybe even quick enough to steal her life away. Sara Stark
Thursday, the-night-of-the-date, comes and goes, leaving a school bus tire track across Desi's heart, fear abrading her mind until she can think of nothing except what the future will be like if something develops between her dad and Libby. Sara Stark
She loves the smell of his fur, all warm and musky and cat-spit clean. Sara Stark